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Dr.Rudy Schild

Astrophysicist • Researcher • Speaker

Let's Meet Dr.Rudy on the Observation Deck

Captain Ron on The Observation Deck

About Dr.Rudy

Dr. Rudy Schild is the Executive Director of FREE: Foundation For Research Into Extraterrestrial Encounters. He's an Emeritus research astronomer at the Harvard/Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, following an extensive career studying dark matter, black holes, and the fluid mechanical origins of cosmic structure. Because of his long association with Dr. John Mack, he has become interested in the formulation of a coherent understanding of the nature of space-time in the Universe, and is a champion of the Edgar Mitchell quantum hologram formulation of the nature of existence and reality. As editor-in-chief of the Journal of Cosmology, he has attempted to broaden the scope of scientific inquiry to include the nature of consciousness and the Universe of Universes.

 Featured from the Observation Deck

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What Fans Say

Human  Says

Rudy is in an excellent film called “Deconstructing Sentience”’on YouTube.




Human at the Earth

Kerry   Says

Let me begin by pointing out that Rudy Schild, the astrophysicist who writes the ongoing scientific commentary on Suzy Hansen’s narrated extraterrestrial experiences, this book is a “masterpiece”, and I completely agree with this evaluation!  I have never read anything like this book — a brilliantly articulated, well-written and expertly proofread description of the finally recovered memories of Suzy’s life-long friendly experiences together with a profoundly caring species of extraterrestrial Greys. 

Kerry Pobanz

 From Marlene

This is the best book I've ever read on the subject of alien contact. It even clarified and confirmed some of my own contact experiences. I would highly recommend it.

Marlene Gee

Margaret   Says

Another great book and author bravely bringing out the knowledge that there are ET Beings assisting humanity to raise in consciousness and evolve away from war, disease and control. A vey credible experiencer with credible scientific assistance from Dr Rudy Schild, Emeritus Astrophysicist, Harvard/Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics, USA.




Margaret Newson

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